
ADHD Testing

Scientifically-backed neuropsychological assessments that assess all aspects of brain function impacting ADHD.

What is ADHD?

ADHD is like having 10 tabs open in your browser at once and not being sure where to start.


ADHD stems from variations in brain structure, leading to symptoms such as:

  • Trouble paying attention in school or work
  • Poor organization in one’s life
  • Difficulty being still
  • A lot of unfinished tasks
  • Over-focusing on things they enjoy
  • Not following instructions precisely
  • Talking a lot, or at inappropriate times
  • Dislikes waiting their turn or respecting boundaries
  • Getting distracted while completing assignments
  • Procrastinating or forgetting about chores
  • Difficulty managing emotions

Our Testing is UniqueJust Like You

Screenshot of a computer test

Online Testing

Fast & Convenient

We offer one of the only online ADHD neuropsychological assessments in the United States.

Attractive depiction of the human brain


Detailed Assessment

Full Neuropsychological Testing

ADHD is often misdiagnosed based on a handful of tests. We provided a complete suite of neuropsychological testing that measures:

  • 7 Types of Attention
  • 7 Types of Executive Function
  • 10 Aspects of Personality
  • 3 Aspects of Impulsiveness
Sample graph from an ADHD report

Client Friendly Reports

Clear Lanugage

Visually Appealing Data
  • Psychological reports are known for being long, boring, and complicated.
  • We’ve revolutionized the process using stunning graphics, clear language, and straightforward explanations.

View sample pages from the report here.

Image of the mind and a key

Clinical Psychologists

Clinical Psychologists

Trained in ADHD Assessment

Only clinicians specializing in ADHD can:

  • Interpert test results to identify the root cause of your symptoms
  • Differentiate ADHD from similar disorders

A therapist or primary care physician does not have this training.

Screenshot of a computer test

Online Testing

Image of the mind and a key

Clinical Psychologists

Only clinicians specializing in ADHD can:

  • Interpert test results to identify the root cause of your symptoms
  • Differentiate ADHD from similar disorders

A therapist or primary care physician does not have this training.

Attractive depiction of the human brain


Sample graph from an ADHD report

Client Friendly Reports

Steps of an ADHD Assessment

Understanding the testing process can pave the way for a successful assessment.

1. Online computerized neuropsychological tests

2. Interview with clinical psychologist


3. Receive detailed report with diagnoses, strengths, weaknesses, & treatment plan

4. Feedback session where your psychologist will explain the report and answer follow-up questions

Free ADHD Screening

This screener does not replace our complete neuropsychological assessment. This is a quiz used to detect whether you possess the typical symptoms associated with ADHD. The information you provide is confidential and won’t be shared with any third parties.

Our online ADHD quiz is a scientifically validated screening instrument. It helps identify candidates for a complete ADHD assessment.

However, this screener does not replace our complete neuropsychological assessment. This is a quiz used to detect whether you possess the typical symptoms associated with ADHD. 

The complete assessment tests dozens of brain functions. We provide a detailed report on your specific strengths and challenges along with recommendations.

The information you provide is confidential and won’t be shared with any third parties. 

Abu Nafs Psychology

Online ADHD Assessmnts & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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